All functions |
Adds ChIP-seq peak labels to the candidate sites |
Adds ChIP-seq signals to the candidate sites |
Assembles TOP training data for all TF x cell type combinations, then split training data into 10 partitions |
Bins and transforms count matrix |
Combines and takes the average of TOP posterior samples from all partitions |
Counts DNase-seq or ATAC-seq cuts along the genome |
Counts and normalizes (and transforms) ChIP-seq read coverage |
Extracts regression coefficients from TOP posterior samples |
Extracts the posterior mean of regression coefficients for each level of TOP model |
Creates a table listing the indices and names of TF and cell type combinations from the assembled training data |
Runs |
Fits TOP model with M5 bins |
Extracts count matrices around candidate binding sites |
Gets total number of mapped reads from the |
Indexes the FASTA file, and generates a ‘chrom.sizes’ file |
Merges DNase or ATAC-seq counts from multiple replicates, then normalizes, bin and transform the merged counts |
Merges DNase or ATAC-seq counts from multiple replicates, then normalizes merged counts. |
Performs |
Normalizes, bins and transforms counts |
Normalizes (and transforms) ChIP-seq read coverage |
Normalizes read counts |
Plots DNase or ATAC profiles |
Plots DNase or ATAC profiles by strands of motif matches |
Predicts quantitative TF occupancy or TF binding probability |
Obtains and filters candidate sites from FIMO result |
Scatter plot of measured and predicted occupancy |
Sorts, indexes the BAM file, and retrieves the |